We respond to fire and medical emergencies as well as other "unique" emergencies within our response area as well as providing assistance to citizens as needed. We also provide automatic aid to the town of Big Creek and mutual aid to the US Forest Service, Cal Fire, Shaver Lake, the Sheriff's Department, and the California Highway Patrol.
Creek Fire Staging Area at Chine Peak 2020
Medical and Rescue Emergencies
We are the first responders to medical aid and rescue emergencies in our area of service. Unlike a city fire department, our staff must be able to stabilize a patient and provide basic life support for at least 35 minutes and in extreme cases up to an hour and a half before the ambulance and paramedic services arrive from Shaver Lake. A typical city fire department usually only has a 5-9 minute time period before the paramedics arrive. In medical emergencies where rapid transport is called for, we have a new Med-Teck "Rescue 62" in which we can transport patients. A more detailed description of our capabilities can be found by following the above link.
Fire Emergencies
When fires of any kind occur, we are the first response in our area of service. Our 'first out' response vehicle is a 4 wheel drive fully equipped fire engine (Type II) that can get into all the cabins on the lake as well as to emergencies on poorly maintained roads. We also have four other land-based fire fighting apparatus: A larger, 2006 Pierce structure engine (Type I) which carries 1000 gallons of water and fire suppression foam with a high-pressure pump; a smaller (Type III) rapid response engine; a pumper/tender which serves both as a type II fire engine and a water tender carrying 1,700 gallons of water; a 2010 water tender carrying 2,100 gallons of water and has a deck gun.
On occasion, we are also asked to assist other fire departments, on a mutual aid basis, with our equipment & staff.