Education & Prevention
The very best way to handle a medical or fire emergency is to avoid it in the first place.
FCC Fire Academy training 2021
We assist this approach with printed materials and brief educational sessions delivered typically during annual tract or homeowner meetings. When requested, we also will go to individual dwellings and give advice on how to reduce fire hazards and minimize sources of fuel for fires.
Our most common discussion centers around how individual dwelling owners can properly trim trees and bushes around their property ( in accordance with both USFS and CDF printed guidelines) to minimize fuels that would allow a ground fire to get into the crowns of trees. We also provide Emergency call prompter cards to minimize confusion in case a 911 call needs to be made from a residence.
Finally, we work with vendors such as the Jorgensen Company in Fresno to bring their technicians and maintenance personnel to the annual Pancake breakfast so that smoke alarms and fire extinguishers kept in each resident can be properly maintained.