Huntington Lake VFD and OHV grant!
We need your input!
The department is seeking a grant from California's State Parks Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR) Division to purchase defibrillators, medical equipment, and radios this year for our ‘side-by-side’ ATV and our heavy rescue Snow-Cat. The grant also asks for funds for trail monitoring on OHV routes within the Sierra National Forest in both summer and winter.
We invite your comments and suggestions that will improve this grant so that Off-Highway Vehicle recreation in our area is even safer!. The grant requires that the department provide a 26% match for the funds the OHV Division gives us. We will provide that match in firefighter labor and "rental" of our heavy rescue Snow-Cat shown above. The medical equipment, cardiac defibrillators and the high-power digital radios will allow our monitoring and rescue teams to communicate with each other and with our partner agencies which are often difficult on remote OHV routes.
We invite your comments and suggestions that will improve this grant so that Off-Highway Vehicle recreation in our area is even safer!
The entire preliminary grant application can be viewed now on The California Parks OHV Grant site at:
Click on the three dots “…” and select Huntington Lake Volunteer Department in pop-up box
To leave a suggestion for enhancing the grant or other comments follow the instructions below:
You can also send your comments and suggestions to the Fire Chief at: chief@hlvfd.org and to the
California's State Parks Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division at: OHV.grants@parks.ca.gov.
Thank you for your support ... Huntington Lake Volunteer Fire Department continues to find the best ways to serve the people who live, work and play in the High Sierra!