It is not a matter of if but when, so be ready when asked to evacuate.

Click on the document to download and create your action plan today.

The 6 P’s of Evacuation

  • People & pets

  • Papers, phone numbers & important documents

  • Prescriptions, vitamins & eyeglasses

  • Pictures & irreplaceable memorabilia

  • Personal computer, hard drive & disks

  • “Plastic” (credit cards, ATM cards) & cash

Defensible space is crucial for your home’s wildfire safety. It’s the buffer zone you create between your property and the surrounding wildland area. This space is key to slowing or stopping wildfire spread and protecting your home from embers, flames, or heat. It also gives firefighters a safer area to defend your property.

In each zone, the intensity of vegetation management increases as you get closer to your home. The goal is to start at your house and work outward, reaching up to 100 feet or your property line.

Zone 0: Zone 0 extends 0- 5 feet from your home, focusing on intense fuel reduction to protect against ember attacks.

Zones 1 & 2: These zones cover up to 100 feet around your home.