The Huntington Lake Volunteer Fire Department is incorporated as a non-profit corporation and responds to fire and medical emergencies.
We respond to fire and medical emergencies as well as other "unique" emergencies within our response area as well as providing assistance to citizens as needed. We also provide automatic aid to the town of Big Creek and mutual aid to the US Forest Service, Cal Fire, Shaver Lake, the Sheriff's Department, and the California Highway Patrol.
Huntington Fire continues to find the best ways to serve the people who live, work, and play in the High Sierra! We appreciate your support!
Become a member of this great organization. Not just fighting fires but looking for folks with medical experience and individuals that just want to help.
Huntington Fire Seeks OHV Grant!
We need your input!
The department is seeking a grant from California's State Parks Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR) Division to purchase defibrillators, medical equipment, and radios this year for our ‘side-by-side’ ATV and our heavy rescue Snow-Cat. The grant also asks for funds for trail monitoring on OHV routes within the Sierra National Forest in both summer and winter.
We invite your comments and suggestions that will improve this grant so that Off-Highway Vehicle recreation in our area is even safer!
Insurance information
Huntington Fire has greatly improved our ISO Protection Class Rating!
HLVFD has completed our five-year re-evaluation by the Insurance Service Organization (ISO) and have improved our
protection class rating to a 5 / 5Y! This is great news for us and should help significantly with insurance at Huntington Lake.
Thank you California Fire Foundation!
The devastation from the 2020 fire season hit hard for small, rural fire departments, many of whom suffered structure and vehicle losses like our own Huntington Lake Volunteer Fire Department. We want to express our gratitude for the unending community, local, state, and a national outpouring of support.
In December of 2020, the HLVFD was gifted with a new Chevrolet truck, made possible by California Fire Foundation and General Motors. This truck will be an invaluable resource to our department as we rebuild & reorganize after the #CreekFire.
We are so grateful for this donation and the local dealership, Michael Chevrolet, that helped to make this happen. We look forward to utilizing it to better our service and the protection of our community.